What is the ideal diet for a breastfeeding woman?

Remember, there's no need to go on a special diet while you're breast-feeding (1).

There is no need to eat unusual or strange foods in large quantities (2).

It can also vary with an individual’s own preferences (2).

Simply focus on making healthy choices (1).

The best diet for a breastfeeding mother is neither complicated nor expensive (2).

In recent years, research has confirmed that even if some nutrients are missing in a woman’s daily diet, she will still produce milk that will help her child grow. 

There is very little difference in the milk of healthy mothers and mothers who are severely malnourished. 

Unfortunately, most of the time there is no real reason for these rules to exist. 

Breastfeeding is a normal stage in the reproductive life of a woman, where just as in all the other stages in her life, her diet needs to be healthy, balanced, and adequate, taking into consideration any specific medical conditions (2).

The ideal diet for a breastfeeding woman is simply the healthiest one for all human beings (2).

A woman who is not strict with her diet can still breastfeed successfully. 

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that good nutrition helps a mother maintain her health (2).

The concept of an "ideal" diet can vary from different families, cultures, economic situations, religions, and in different seasons. Yet, almost always, all over the world, in different epochs, even in situations of deprivation, mothers produce milk that helps their babies grow well (2).

An "ideal" diet for a breastfeeding woman is simply a varied, balanced, natural diet. Every woman will choose the diet that is best adapted to her, depending on culture, lifestyle, personal preferences, as well as the information available to her (2).

The word "natural" can have many meanings, for example: freshness, no additives, whole foods, no or few contaminants (2).

The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of any doctor or health care provider. I encourage you to discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.

Last Updated August 2017

1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/breastfeeding-nutrition/art-20046912

2. http://www.llli.org/nb/nbmarapr04p44.html